School-based counseling activities

The theme of our school's counseling activities for this academic year is "Positive Life, Creating a 'New Me'." Through various school-based counseling activities and services, we comprehensively promote positive character and life education, construct a caring atmosphere in our campus, internalize positive values in students, and establish holistic education. We aim to make Fung Kai Innovative Primary School a warm and vibrant learning environment, injecting positive energy into students and strengthening their resilience. We cultivate students to act from the heart, release the true goodness and beauty of life, and apply it to their daily lives. We care for ourselves, the people and things around us, and impact lives with our own lives, leveraging our strengths to illuminate ourselves and others. With a positive attitude, we establish a "New Me," set innovative goals for ourselves, and persistently strive towards them.


The "Gratitude Wall - Growing Gratitude" and gratitude sharing activities enable students to learn gratitude, appreciation, forgiveness, and acceptance, nurturing the joy that emanates from their hearts. They become a source of strength for the "Positive Life, Creating a 'New Me'" initiative.



From "SMART" action advocates to the Diligent Learning Incentive Program, Happy Plaza, Innovative Art Market, monthly sharing sessions, and mindfulness practices, students engage in various activities that help them develop different positive values. They bravely showcase the beauty in their own lives and understand that every life is unique and precious



Through the Good Deeds Incentive Program, Teacher's Day, fourth-grade students becoming "Caring Ambassadors" to care for and assist first-grade students, birthday parties, Mother's Day, Father's Day, and other activities, students put "caring for others" into practice. This fosters a positive set of values in students and establishes their ability to live a "Positive Life, Creating a 'New Me.'"



Through meaningful volunteer teams, life and health ambassadors, individual responsibilities, donating mooncakes to spread warmth, National Day activities, National Constitution Day events, and more, students learn to take responsibility and care for their school, community, country, and the planet. They express their thoughts of a "Positive Life, Creating a 'New Me" from their hearts, enjoying a fulfilling life of doing good and establishing positive values.

  • 有心義工隊---受心年糕送溫暖活動

  • 有心義工隊---受心年糕送溫暖活動

  • 環保為公益「慈善校園洗白白」活動

  • 環保為公益「慈善校園洗白白」活動

  • 「讓我們閃耀飛翔」Got Talent Show比賽(總決賽)

  • 「讓我們閃耀飛翔」Got Talent Show比賽(總決賽)

  • 「讓我們閃耀飛翔」Got Talent Show比賽(總決賽)

  • 「讓我們閃耀飛翔」月會(五)之「交流團分享」

  • 「讓我們閃耀飛翔」月會(五)之「交流團分享」

  • 服務學習(二)之「親子社區清潔大行動」

  • 服務學習(二)之「親子社區清潔大行動」

  • 「讓我們閃耀飛翔」Got Talent Show比賽(海選)

  • 「讓我們閃耀飛翔」Got Talent Show比賽(海選)

  • 「讓我們閃耀飛翔」體驗活動之「Happy Fun 鬆一鬆活動」

  • 「讓我們閃耀飛翔」體驗活動之「Happy Fun 鬆一鬆活動」

  • 「讓我們閃耀飛翔」體驗活動之「正向互動劇場」

  • 「讓我們閃耀飛翔」體驗活動之「正向互動劇場」

  • 「多關懷.添幸福」大行動

  • 「多關懷.添幸福」大行動

  • 小五.圍內村.建築情

  • 小五.圍內村.建築情

  • 服務學習系列「親子公益金賣旗義工活動」

  • 服務學習系列「親子公益金賣旗義工活動」

  • 校園‧「敢」動行

  • 校園‧「敢」動行

  • 校園‧野餐樂

  • 校園‧野餐樂

  • 「讓我們閃耀飛翔」Teacher Buddy同行大行動(一)

  • 「捐贈月餅送溫暖」關愛社區大行動

  • 母親節活動

  • 學生月會:月會分享

  • 學生月會:月會分享

  • 「逆境自強」腦筋急轉彎大賽

  • 「逆境自強」腦筋急轉彎大賽

  • 「逆境自強」挑戰一分鐘

  • 母親節活動(1)

  • 母親節活動(2)

  • 逆境自強相片展:最令我感覺「逆境自強」的相片選舉

  • 學生月會:月會分享

  • 學生月會:主題曲分享

  • 國慶日活動

  • 有心義工隊

  • 學生月會-羽你分享

  • 學生月會-羽你分享

  • 生日會

  • 生日會

  • 敬師日

  • 敬師日

  • 快樂廣場

  • 快樂廣場

  • 班班有Happy Day

  • 班班有Happy Day

  • 校園洗白白日

  • 校園洗白白日