
1. Cultivate students' interest in reading and ignite their motivation to become lifelong learners who "Read to Learn."

2. Expand students' reading horizons and cultivate their ability to view the world with an open mind, respect different perspectives, and accept them.

3. Enhance students' information literacy skills, enabling them to search, access, and evaluate information effectively and ethically, in order to create and communicate knowledge.

    Highlights of the Curriculum

    1. Diverse Reading Activities

    The library organizes and participates in various on-campus and off-campus reading activities to encourage students to engage in reading and share their reading experiences in different forms, thereby enhancing the reading atmosphere on campus. On-campus reading activities include parent volunteers' storytelling, foreign teacher story time, and World Reading Day, among others. Additionally, the school designates Wednesdays as Joyful Reading Day, where students can read books of their choice, and teachers share their reading experiences in different forms. Furthermore, the library encourages students to actively participate in off-campus reading activities, such as joining the "Book List" event jointly organized by the Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union and the Hong Kong Public Library, providing book recommendations and sharing their reading experiences on the Hong Kong Radio program "I Love Books." Students also visit the annual book fair and select books for the library on the spot.

    2. Rich Reading Resources

    The library conducts a comprehensive analysis of its collection each year based on borrowing data to understand students' reading interests, in order to acquire books that align with their interests and are suitable. Additionally, the library maintains communication with subject coordinators to understand the development and needs of various subjects, thus increasing and managing resources related to teaching and learning.

    3. Organizing Interdisciplinary Reading Activities

    Collaborating with subject teachers, appropriate resources are selected to assist in promoting reading, thematic studies, and all-round learning activities based on students' needs and curriculum requirements.

    4. Connecting with External Reading Resources

    The Hong Kong Public Library, serving the entire Hong Kong community, undoubtedly possesses a more extensive range of reading resources compared to the school library. Therefore, the school library takes advantage of various opportunities to introduce resources from the public library, expanding students' reading horizons.

    5. Developing Library Lesson Content

    Library lessons are designed with different learning objectives for each grade level. In addition to cultivating reading interests and teaching various reading strategies, library lessons focus on enhancing students' information literacy skills, equipping them with the ability to search, access, and evaluate information effectively and ethically, for the purpose of creating and communicating knowledge in the age of information explosion.

    Grade 1 and Grade 2

    • Cultivating reading interests and introducing high-quality picture books and bridge books
    • Learning how to use the school library correctly
    • Building basic concepts of library classification
    • Teaching different reading strategies: prediction, prior knowledge and experience application, association, and questioning

    Grade 3 and Grade 4

    • Teaching different reading strategies: visualization, inference, identifying main ideas and key points, synthesis, and understanding the author's viewpoint
    • Understanding and utilizing the reading resources of the Hong Kong Public Library
    • Learning to analyze and organize information content using graphic organizers

    Grade 5 and Grade 6

    • Enhancing information literacy skills by learning to use the Big6 process for exploring/researching specific questions/agreements
    • Enhancing information literacy skills by learning to use the Big6 process for exploring/researching specific questions/agreements
    • Expanding reading horizons by introducing high-quality Chinese and English literary works
      Event Highlights

      Parents' Day Book Fair

      Author Sharing Session with Wang Shufen
      World Reading Day

      On April 25, 2022, the school held activities for World Reading Day to enhance students' reading interests and create a reading atmosphere. On that day, teachers introduced the origin of World Reading Day and the history of Shakespeare to the students. Subject teachers also shared different books with the students during class, and then read, played games, and created a one-page book together with the students. Both teachers and students were fully engaged in the activities.